Accessibility Statement
We are committed to ensure that the Minority Development Department portal is accessible to all the users irrespective of device in use, technology or ability. It has been built, with an aim, to provide maximum accessibility and usability to its users. As a result, this portal can be viewed from a variety of devices, such as web-enabled mobile devices, WAP phones, PDAs and so on.
We have put in our best efforts to ensure that all the information on this portal is accessible to people with disabilities. For example, a user with visual disability can access this portal using assistive technologies, such as screen readers and magnifiers.
We also aim to be standards compliant and follow principles of usability and universal design, which should help all visitors of this portal. If you have any problem or suggestion regarding the accessibility of this portal, please contact us.
Accessibility Options
Do you find it difficult to read the contents on the screen?
Is the displayed information not clearly visible to you?
If yes, use the accessibility options provided by this portal to control the screen display. These options allow changing the text size and colour scheme for clear visibility and better readability.
Changing the Text Size
Changing the size of the text refers to making the text appearing smaller or bigger from its standard size. There are three options provided to you to set the size of the text that affects the readability. These are:
Largest: Displays information in the largest font size.
Larger: Displays information in a font size larger than the standard font size.
Medium: Displays information in a standard font size, which is the default size.
To change the text size, click the text-size icons present at the top of any page.
PDF files are not accessible through screen reader. We are working on it.